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Embedded Autocracy: Hungary in the European Union Wicked Leadership in Film Governors Go National: The Democratic and Republican Governors Associations and the Nationalization of American Party Politics Slow Culture and the American Dream: A Slow and Curvy Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century
The Rise of Right-Wing Populist Parties and Reversal of Economic Reforms in Developing Democracies Pandemic at the Polls: How the Politics of COVID-19 Played into American Elections History of American Political Thought, second Edition Toward the Theory of Administrative Tethering: Re-thinking Child Welfare Training amid Rationally Bounded Administrative Decision-Making and Collaborative Governance Processes
Democratic Backsliding in Poland: Why Has Poland Gone to the Dark Side TITLEPolitical Wisdom in Late Shakespeare: A Way Out of the Wreck Trumpism, Bigotry, and the Threat to American Democracy North Korea, Nuclear Risk-Taking, and the United States: Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, and Kim Jong Un
Political Wisdom in Late Shakespeare: A Way Out of the Wreck Unequal Encounters: A Reader in Early Latin American Political Thought Atal Bihari Vajpayee and India’s Foreign Policy: 1977-2004: Initiatives, Policy Making and Achievements A Theory of Citizen Equality: A Framework for Democratic Citizenship
Adam Smith’s Sociability and the American Dream The Rise of the Semi-Core: China, India, and Pakistan in the World-System
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Joe Parry 
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